
Monday, February 24, 2014

Ashoka Halwa

1 cup – Paasi paruppu / Moong dhal / Split green gram
2 tbsp – Wheat flour / Kothumai maavu
2 cup – Sugar
1/4 cup – Ghee (as needed)
3 pinches – Cardamom powder
5 pinches – Orange food color
1/2 cup – Water (for making sugar syrup)
Cashew nuts - 5 or 6 nos

  1. Wash and pressure cook paasi paruppu / moong dhal with enough water until soft or well cooked. Allow them to cool and grind them to a fine paste. Set aside.
  2. Heat a tsp of ghee in a pan, add 2 tbsp of wheat flour and roast it until slightly golden brown in color. Set aside.
  3. Heat a pan, add in 2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water, bring it to boil and cook until sugar dissolves completely. Set aside.
  4. Heat a wide pan, add a tbsp of ghee and add  paasi paruppu / moong dhal paste, mix well and cook over medium flame for 2 mins. Then add roasted wheat flour and keep stirring until both blend well.
  5. Now add in sugar syrup and slowly mix everything well together like a paste . Keep stirring continuously adding ghee in intervals to avoid drying.
  6. Add orange food color and mix well completely. Stir continuously until it thickens slightly. 
  7. Then add cardamom powder and after 10 - 15 minutes, you will see the halwa becomes glossy, comes together and it no longer sticks to the bottom. 
  8. Finally add the fried cashews and mix it well.
  9. Tasty ashoka halwa is ready.

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