
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cluster Beans(Kothavarangai) Kara Kuzhambu

Cluster beans( Kothavarangai) -  1/4 kilo
Tamarind paste - 1 cup
Red onion 1 large finely chopped
Garlic 1 large peeled and semi crushed
Tomato 1 large chopped
Jaggery or brown sugar 1 spoon
Turmeric powder 1/2 spoon
Chili powder 1 spoon
Coriander seeds 2 spoons – toasted and powdered
Sesame oil 1 cup
Mustard seeds 1 spoon
Cumin seeds 1 spoon
Fenugreek seeds 1/2 spoon
Chana dal 1/2 spoon
Urad dal 1/2 spoon
Asafoetida 1/2 spoon
Dry red chilies 3-5
Curry leaves few

  1. Wash and clean the beans, remove the strings and cut into tiny pieces.
  2. In a  pan, heat oil. Add mustard, cumin, asafoetida, fenugreek, chana dal, urad dal, dry red chilies and curry leaves. Let them pop and splutter well. 
  3. Add garlic,  fry till its raw smell leaves the pan. Further add onions, fry till golden brown. Now add tomatoes and continue frying.
  4. Now add the beans  to get half the way cooked.
  5. Then add tamarind paste and 2 cups of water. 
  6. Add salt, turmeric, chili powder and coriander powder.Cover and cook over medium flame.
  7. Once the curry thickens, add the cumin seeds powder to it, bring this to a boil…its done.
  8. Serve to go with plain steamed rice. Run a spoon of seasame oil over it, just before serving. 


  1. The appearance of the Kuzhambu in the photograph is quite appealing, looks like perfect recipe. I am going to try it out,

  2. In the ingredients list , it has been put as Cumin seeds instead of Coriander seeds. May be corrected.

    1. Yes, I have done. Thank You very much for that... :)

  3. Please mention the spoon measurement ( tblspn or tsp). Shall I add coriander powder instead of toasting and powdering coriander seeds ?
